

ELMODIE est une graphiste en 1981. Diplomee de l'École Superieure d'Arts
Appliques Raymond Loewy, elle a ete graphiste en imprimerie, puis en agence.
En 2009, elle a pris son independance pour s'installer comme graphiste
freelance a Paris.
Passionnee par le pop-up, les art toys, le street art, le pop art, elle
participe a une formation au pop-up dans une ecole d'art et decide de creer
son premier livre anime. Pour ce dernier intitule _Par-del a les nuages_, elle
a realise elle-meme l'ingenierie papier, les illustrations et les textes.

Behind the alias ELMODIE is Elodie Laine, a French graphic artist born in
1981. She received her diploma from the École Superieure d'Arts Appliques
Raymond Loewy school of applied arts in 2003. She began her career as a
graphic artist in a printing house before moving to a consulting agency. In
2009 she charted a new path by moving to Paris to become a freelance graphic
artist. Passionate about pop-up books, designer toys, street-art and pop art
in general, she returned to art school to learn to create her own pop-up
books. Since then she has published her first animated book, _Par-del a les
nuages_, which she wrote, illustrated and crafted.

Contributions de Elmodie